EVA-DTS file analyzer

This tool will convert your EVA-DTS file to a human readable form.

EVA Data Transfer Standard

The aim of the EVA DTS is to provide a standard format for data which is required by operators of vending machines. The standard defines the structure of common data elements and describes the means of the transfer of the data. Read moreā€¦


You can open this application directly from your application and file will be parsed automatically.
Simply open URL in your browser http://evadts.com/?f=[location of your file]
For example http://evadts.com/?f=http://evadts.com/example.txt

About Vendon

Vendon helps its customers to increase effectiveness of their vending business by delivering cutting edge technology solution that significantly improves and simplifies vending management.


All manufacturer custom Event codes are not explained as this is acknowledged as Vendon -> Know-How.

Analyze file

Compare two files